Thursday, December 3, 2015

Should I Remove my Salt Cell For the Winter?

When preparing your salt water swimming pool for the cold winter months there is a standard chain of events that needs to take place.This will ensure that your pool will ride out the season without any wear and tear from the elements, an unwanted surprise for any home owner. Homeowners who use a Salt Water Chlorine Generator in their swimming pool have additional worries!
Pool owners constantly ask us questions about winterizing or closing their pools. Recently, questions about salt cells have been trending. Salt Chlorination has been gaining in popularity for decades as a clean, reliable, eco-friendly, and efficient way to keep swimming pools sanitized. Many pool owners have been asking us “What in the world do I do with my salt cell during the winter? Your Salt Cell is a pretty smart piece of equipment. When the temperature gets below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or so your cell will most likely shut itself off automatically. This will lengthen the life of the cell and protect your investment.

How it works:

During the winter months the amount of chlorine needed to keep a pool clean is substantially reduced due to the fact that bacteria doesn’t grow in cold temperatures (around 50 degrees Fahrenheit or so). The salt cell is programmed so that it recognizes the temperature drop and makes the decision to shut itself off. This is great news for the customer (you) because it increases the lifespan of the cell, uses less chlorine or harsh chemicals in the swimming pool, and saves you money.

Should I remove it?

Some of you might be thinking that the salt cell is okay to stay in your swimming pool. While this can be true depending on your location, during the colder months you risk the potential of water damage due to freezing throughout your salt cell and equipment. Manufacturers will most likely advise you to remove, clean, and store the unit indoors to avoid any damage. In fact, some manufacturers offer a dummy cell which fits in place of your existing salt cell. A dummy cell is a mock salt cell, basically a non-functioning piece that takes the spot of your existing salt cell for the winter.
Pool owners living in climates that don’t experience harsh or particularly cold winters may risk leaving the cell out for the winter, but others will have peace of mind taking their unit in for the winter. The benefit here is that during the winter you can increase the lifespan of your salt cell while saving money on traditional chlorine methods. Increasing the lifespan of your salt cell while saving money on pool chemicals is definitely a benefit for your wallet!

What do I do if my salt cell is already damaged?

If you have left your salt cell in for the winter and are noticing low chlorine levels within your pool, check your salt cell for any damage. Unfortunately, during the harsh winter months water can freeze and expand, ultimately damaging the housing that surrounds the cell or moves the electrode plates. Although electrode plates can be replaced it can be almost as pricey as buying a new salt cell for your system. The best way to fix this is prevent it from happening.
If you have any questions or would like to start weekly/biweekly service with 
The Blue Lagoons, give us a call!

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