Thursday, December 15, 2016

Here’s a simple fix to water loss issues…

Here’s a simple fix to water loss issues…

A simple fix if you’re pool is losing water… 

If your pool is losing more than about 5/8″ of water in any 24 hour period, there’s likely water loss taking place…somewhere.

Keep in mind that during summer months, it’s not uncommon for a pool to lose 1/2″ a day due to evaporation.  Don’t be alarmed – it’s likely nothing abnormal.

The first step is to confirm there is a leak taking place.

Take a piece of electrical tape (or any type of colored tape that will stick to tile, pebble or your pool surface) and place it directly above the water line in your pool.

Go check the water line 24 hours later – if there’s more than 5/8″ water loss, we need to put on our “detective hat” and get to work.

Start with the most likely source of the leak. 
Turn the equipment on and check the backwash hose for any water coming out.  It’s extremely common to break/tear a backwash o-ring (due to normal wear/tear) – this will cause water to get discharged out of the backwash valve.
Even though it may be a slow leak, it’s constantly taking place while the equipment’s turned on.
If it is the backwash o-ring that’s causing the water loss, head down to your local retailer and grab a new o-ring set (they’re typically around $10.00 for the set).  When replacing the o-rings don’t just replace the faulty one…replace the entire set (there will be 2 or 3 o-rings depending on the make/manufacturer).
If you have a multi-port assembly, there will be 1 spider gasket at the very top of the backwash port.
If the loss isn't taking place at the backwash port/valve, it’s time to dive in a bit deeper.  

Check for any cracks at/in the skimmer as well as any water spots throughout the yard
.  Although return side plumbing leaks are pretty rare – they do happen and the repair isn't fun.

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