How to Open Your Pool After The Winter

What Will You Need?
- Cal-Hypo/Power Powder is recommended
- Pool Brush
- Pool Skimmer
- Test Kit
- pH Increaser or pH Reducer/Soda Ash or Dry Acid
- Alkalinity Increaser or Decreaser
- Calcium Hardness
- Pool and Spa Lube
Step 1. Take off the Winter or Safety Cover
- Make sure the cover is dry before storing to prevent mildew.
- Remove any winter plugs, gizmos, ice compensators, etc. that are around the pool.
Step 3. Pool Equipment
- Remove any winterizing products from the pool equipment.
- Put on any drain plugs pressure gauges, etc. that were removed during winterization.
- Open any valves that were closed by switching the handle to open.
- Switch the valve back to “filter”.
- Check the o-ring on teh pump basket lid by taking it off and looking for cracks. Replace if it feels brittle.
- Put a pool and spa lube on the o-ring before putting it back on to create a tight seal.
Step 4. Circulation
- Start by using a brush to remove any debris from the pool walls, steps, and floor.
- Use a Skimmer to pick up any large debris floating in the water.
- Run the pool pump for 12-24 hours to filter out any debris. Make sure the filter is clean so it’s able to remove debris.
Step 5. Testing
- Test your chemical levels with a test kit or strips. Alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness levels are going to be the most important when opening your pool.
- pH levels should be 7.4 to 7.6, total alkalinity 80 to 120 ppm, and calcium hardness 250-350 ppm.
- Once done, triple the dosage for Cal-Hypo, super-chlorinating the pool and giving it the jump start it needs. Retest levels after 4 hours.
Step 6. Adding Chemicals
Adjust the Total Alkalinity
- Use Alkalinity Increaser or Alkalinity Up to raise levels.
- Use Alkalinity Decreaser or dry/ muriatic acid to lower levels
- Retest levels after about 4 hours.
Adjust the pH
- Use pH Increaser or Soda Ash to Increase pH levels.
- Use pH Decreaser or dry/muriatic acid to lower pH levels.
- Retest levels after about 4 hours.
Adjust the calcium hardness
- Use Hardness Plus or Calcium Hardness to increase calcium hardness levels.
- Lower calcium hardness levels if needed by partially draining pool.
Step 7. Superchlorination
- Apply three times the normal chlorine dosage to your pool. Best to be applied at night to avoid UV rays
- Run the pool pump for 12 hours following superchlorination
If you have any questions please feel free to ask The Blue Lagoons
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